Recorded Families

<Click on white panels for families of interest>


Family 4900 of Samuel James Whiteside-Eliza Leitch .

Family 0331 of Moses Whiteside-Mary McKitherick.

Family 0536 of William Whiteside-Margaret Thompson

Family 0332 of James Whiteside-Annie Walker.

Family 0567 of David Whiteside - Annie Robinson

Family 0562. Oceania ties???

Family 0633of Henry Whiteside-Margaret Cluffe

Family 0347 of Thomas Whiteside-Mary Johnston

Family 4304 of William Gardiner Whiteside- Eliza ...?      see (Fiji Connection

The following numbers represent Whiteside Families with Oceania links:

 0376,  0612, 0655, 0656, 0780, 3510, 3511, 3512, 3514, 3531, 3540, 4200,

There is considerable work in putting these files in readable form. Those family numbers outlined in yellow are yet to be presented in a form similar to i.e.0331 above. In the meantime a temporary file has been created with the first recorded ancestors of each of the numbered families

Temporary File <click here>

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