Kerry at Work
Note: Shows how one thing leads to another. Kerry and I have never met, but we are great friends. We are second cousins and you will note the levity we indulge in. A lot of fun. What is great is she is on the mend.
Hi Bruce,
Can’t recall where I found this, probably browsing through shipping records in New Zealand.
Could this be the arrival of our Samuel in New Zealand? It’s a four years prior to his 1st marriage to Jane Gilfillan. If so, I wonder who George and Susannah are?
The Voyage of the "GANGES" as per story in "THE DAILY SOUTHERN CROSS"
15 February 1865
Shipping Intelligence.
Port of Auckland
February 14 Fine; Light variable winds
GANGES Ship, 1211 tons, Funnell, From QUEENSTOWN, with general cargo.
The clipper ship GANGES dropped anchor in the stream, on the Queen street Wharf, at 7 PM. last evening, after a good passage of 100 days from Queenstown. The GANGES is a fine vessel of 1,211 tons, and was built in 1856 at Boston by the celebrated shipbuilder D McKay. She was here in October 1883 on which occasion she brought 226 passengers. She is still in command of Captain Thomas Funnell, a gentleman well known and respected here; and on the last trip he was presented by the passengers with a purse of money. The GANGES left Queenstown on the 4 November, and took her final departure on the 5th. Sighted Cape de Verd Islands, and had steady N.E. trades, crossing the Equator on the 28th November, in longitude 24.30 W, after a good run of 24 days. The S.E. trades proved very good, and the meridian of the Cape was made on the 25th December, in 39.30 S, Fine weather was experienced until reaching 120 E longitude, when several heavy gales were encountered. The easting was run down between the parallels of 43’ and 45’ S with moderate weather. Tasmania was sighted on the 25th January, and the Kings were made on the 5th February, since then light winds and calms have prevailed.
On the 7th January, during a heavy gale, a fatal accident by drowning happened to two of the crew, who fell from the mainyard into the sea. The names of the unfortunate men were Antonia Dueakin, a native of Valparaiso, and John Murphy, an Irishman, Every effort was made to save the poor fellows, but without success.
The GANGES sighted no vessels connected with the colonies. She brings a full cargo of general merchandise and 422 Government passengers. She sailed with 474 but lost 54 children and 2 adults during the passage from bronchitis and the whooping-cough. The cleanly condition in which she entered the harbour reflects the greatest credit on Captain Funnell and the officers under his command. The passengers have requested us to state that they have been treated with the utmost courtesy and kindness by Captain Funnell during the voyage.
The following is a list of the births and deaths:-
Births:- 16
Deaths:- Joseph Alexander, 1 year and 3 months;
John Brown, 2 years and 2 months; Dinah Brownlee, 2 years; Mary Bruce, 2 years;
Sarah Cowen, 1 year and 9 months; James C thcart, 1 year; Eliza Elliott, 4 months; Fanny Elliot, 2 years and 8 months; Mary Eyre, 1 year and 11 months; Annie Farrelly, 2 years and 8 months; Mary Farrelly, 8 years; James Fergy, 3 years and 4 months; Margaret Jane Graham, 1 year and 2 months; Robert Graham, 2 years and 9 months; Mary Hadskls, 3 years and 1 month; Wm Hamilton, 2 years and 6 months; Phoebe Hanna, 1 year and 4 months; John Hicks, 11 months; Anne Hyland, 2 years;
Infant of Mrs Herterington 19 days; Infant of Mary A Johnston, 6 days; Infant of Mrs McKeever, 1 month; Thomas Johnston, 3 years; Martha Kelly, 2 years and 2 months;
John Leathem, aged 1 year; Ellen Leech, 9 months;
Margaret Jane Miller, 1 year; Robert F Miller, 4 years and 6 months; Cristopher Mills, 4 years and 9 months; Ann Moore, 8 years; James Moore 4 years; Elizabeth Ann Morrow, 1 year and 9 months; Martha Moore, 11 months; Mrs McClatchy, 33 years; Jane McClutchy, 1 year and 10 months; Martha McCracken, 2 years; Mitilda J McCormick, 1 year 4 months; Andrew McDowell, 9 months; Lizzie McDowell, 3 years and 10 months; Robt. H. Jno. McGeough, 1 year and 4 months; Margaret Jane McKinney, 1 year and 2 months; Catherine McNiece, 5 months; John Poland, 1 year and 10 months; Mary Poland, 3 years and 6 months; Ann Pratt, 3 years;Catherine Pratt, 11 months; Elizabeth Jane Preston, 1 year and 10 months;Grace Preston, 18 days; Martha Jane Preston, 4 years; Ellen Reynolds 43 years; Ebr Slator, 2 years and 9 months; David Smith, 2 days; Ellen Wright, 1 year;
Total - 56
John, Margaret, Agnes, and Patrick Cumming;
David, Hannah, and Jane Dalton;
John, Sarah, Catherine, and Mary Watson;
Hugh, Mary, Patrick, and Mary Donohoe;
William, Mahlata, Benjamin, and Wm James Clarke;
John, Theresa, Mary, and John Poland;
George, Susannah, and Samuel Whiteside;
Wm., Sally, W. John, and Mary Anderson;
...and the list goes on (the original can be viewed on-line as indicated.)
Good morning Sherlock,
I did a bit more searching and the Queenstown mentioned is actually in Ireland. It’s now known as Cobh.
It’s the same port where the Titanic picked up Irish passengers.
Many thanks for clarifying it Bruce.
Have a good week,
From Patricia (nee Whiteside)
Hi Bruce, I was just saying to mum a few days ago I have nt heard from Bruce lately and then this a.m. there is a message from you. She is now aged 93 years and living in Carter House a rest home in Te puke.
Very interesting message you sent I have not seen that info before. I am guessing that the Queenstown that is written about is In Southern Ireland . WE actually visited there when we were in Ireland. The place is now called and renamed Cobh. We walked down the road our ancestors walked and across a bridge to clamber onto the boat. The last view of their home land was a church Roman Catholic right on top of the hill behind Cobh.
The Irish changed the name because of the name Queen in it and the English connection.
My records show the at George was born 1828 and married Susanna 1863.
I see your message came from Miami I thought you lived in Brisbane
Good work keeping the family history on record kind regards Patricia
Hello yet again,
Tracked down where the information on the Whiteside arrival in Melbourne then New Zealand came from.
A person named Graeme Adams.
Who knows what ‘trouble’ I’m going to get up to with retirement a couple of weeks off if I keep feeling physically better?
I think you mean indubitably