Message to the Whiteside's
For close on 180 years our ancestors have settled in this region of the world.
As a guide today there are over three hundred listed in the Australian Telephone
Directory, seventy in NZ and ten in Fiji . As the years go by these numbers
increase and the branches of the family tree grows. Some of us have for many
years wondered about our heritage and ancestry to a point where in our twilight
years have taken up the massive job of tracing our line. Now this is no mean
task and to date nobody in Australia or New Zealand have attempted or bothered
to try.
You may ask 'What has that to do with me?' Well somewhere back around 1200AD we
all had a common ancestor who bore for the first time the name Whiteside. That
person was our common heritage and as we grow older many of us wonder and try to
trace out family back in time.
Perhaps none of us have ever stopped to think of how widespread our family is.
For instance it is reputed that in the United States alone there are some eight
to nine thousand Whiteside's or derivatives of. Equally it can be said that few
of us know of the existence of the American based Whiteside Family Association
(WFA). As a Whiteside I found it was centred around the North eastern part of
the USA and the Great Lakes District of Canada.
Were it not for the dedicated commitment and life time work of the late Donald
Whiteside, late of Ontario, Canada, this depository of Whiteside data would not
exist today. In 1990 this man contacted me and gave me a comprehensive
composition of my family tree back to 1811. I had never heard of him. Two years
later he died at the early age of 62. Today his inspiration has served to build
upon the work he started.
see addendum: Contact Details